Permanently Release

Your Blocks to Healing & Weight Loss

Drop The Weight with Elizabeth McGann

FREE Energy-Clearing Audio

A guided meditation toward manifesting a lighter body and mind.

Have you been struggling with your health and weight? Do you feel:

➡️  Heavy?
➡️  Tired?
➡️  Overwhelmed?
➡️  Frustrated from failed attempts in the past?

Achieve a new freedom and ease in reaching your health and weight loss goals.

Elizabeth will show you how to:

🟣 Upgrade your energetic frequency and lose 20 lbs in 90 days

🟣 Retrain your subconscious mind to let go of heaviness

🟣 Liberate you from the patterns that keep you stuck.

This free audio is designed to give you the same transformation you’d experience through a one-on-one session with holistic nutritionist and healer Elizabeth McGann. You can listen as many times as you need to clear and release the blocks standing in the way of your weight loss success.

 Drop The Weight with Elizabeth McGann

FREE Energy-Clearing Audio